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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Drew Polifrone

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Drew Polifrone is known for his expertise as an Evidential Medium, Channel, and Intuitive Development Teacher. He is dedicated to creating a safe and sacred space for the most impactful and soulful dedication to your healing, spiritual expansion, and higher needs. Drew's profound connection to the spiritual realm emerged following significant personal losses and transformative experiences. These events catalyzed his journey to serve as a conduit between the earthly plane and the beyond.

Drew's commitment to honing his craft led him to pursue extensive training, development, and education. This included immersive courses and mentorship under globally recognized mentors, along with enrollment at the esteemed Arthur Findlay College for Mediumship & Psychic Sciences in the UK. The offerings available at are anchored in truth, discovery, healing, and real-life applications.


Gallery Readings:

Drew will be doing Gallery Readings during the conference.

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