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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Jennifer Brazier

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Jennifer Brazier, Evidential Medium offers messages of happiness, healing, and hope for those seeking to be reassured that their loved one is still very much a part of their lives, even if they are not here physically.  These messages offer the confidence needed to work through times of transition, confusion, and loneliness.

She is a messenger from your loved ones, touching your heart and leaving you filled with inspiration, and joy and experiencing the comfort that love never dies. Her goal in doing this work is to open minds and hearts that our soul is eternal and that our loved ones are at peace and are always with us.

Her sessions offer you details, personalities, and shared memories from your loved ones. Along with events that have occurred after their passing along with glimpses of what potentially may occur in your life. Knowing that no one can predict your future, this is left to your own free will. However, your loved ones will offer inspiration, encouragement, and hope on your life path.

Jennifer continues her own development, considering herself a lifelong learner with an eager mind to discover and tap into the many aspects of the Spirit World. If she is not exploring nature, she is seeking information on history and how our ancestors walked before us.

Jennifer’s education and work experience has been centered on people development. She participates in and leads workshops/classes in personal–spiritual growth, past life regression, and the development of intuitive abilities. She has attended master classes on mediumship studying with world-renowned spiritual teachers. She has studied for numerous years at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in England.

She is one of the co-founders of the Northwest Mediumship Group. She has volunteered her time as an Intuitive Consultant for the Find Me Group, a nonprofit that is dedicated to finding those that have gone missing. Teaching at Pierce College in Washington State courses on Mediumship, Intuition, Past Life Regression, and Psychic Investigations. Offering her support to the non-profit organization Helping Parents Heal, which is dedicated to assisting bereaved parents.


Energetic Connections with Our Loved Ones in Spirit:

Jennifer will be doing Gallery Readings.

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