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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

About Paul Denniston

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Paul Denniston is the founder and creator of Grief Yoga® teaching thousands of counselors and health care professionals around the world. Paul blends many forms of yoga, free form movement, and sound and teaches this compassionate empowering practice in workshops. He also teaches this practice to bereavement groups, cancer support centers, and communities dealing with various kinds of loss. Paul offers teacher training to help certify other teachers to become Grief Yoga teachers. His latest book through Chronicle Books is Healing Through Yoga: Transform Loss into Empowerment. Paul is also David's stepfather and Ella’s Brother.


Grief Yoga Chair Class:

The aftermath of a child's death leaves our body flooded with overwhelming emotions. Anger and sadness can easily get stuck in our bodies. Grief Yoga is a sacred compassionate class that blends free form movement, yoga, breath and vocalization in ways that helps you process and release pain and suffering in empowering ways. This sacred ritual guides you to a place that honors your child, and to remember with more love and peace. 

This class will be done from a chair so you can take it at your own pace. It's designed for someone doing yoga for the first time or many times. People of all ages, body types, physical conditions, and mobility challenges can benefit from this class. 

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