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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

Shining Light Parent Suggested Providers

Personal provider suggestions from members of Helping Parents Heal, listed by category in alphabetical order. To be included on this page, providers have given their time and energy to our group and have at least two recommendations by parents.

We also ask that mediums complete the free medium certification process.  Please learn more by emailing

Being true to its mission to always help parents heal,  Helping Parents Heal has reserved the right and has sole discretion to add or remove Providers from its website.  

This provider page is offered as a service to provide information that parents and families may or may not choose to use. All providers listed on this page have been recommended by parents.

Helping Parents Heal (HPH) can only endorse the fact that each of the providers listed was suggested by parents who are members of our organization. HPH does not control the appearance, content, or claims made in the providers’ personal websites or claims made during their sessions, nor does HPH endorse the opinions or ideas expressed in their websites, nor during sessions, nor guarantee any type of results.

Neither HPH nor any associated entities or individuals shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in their websites or services.

The booking of services by providers and fees paid for such services are transactions between the client and the provider, not involving HPH.

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