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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

About Dr. Linda Backman

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Dr. Linda Backman is from Boulder, CO


Irene Vouvalides:

I had a Between Lives Soul Regression with Dr. Linda Backman that was
fascinating and strengthened my belief in soul plans. I  did not
understand how easy it would be to drift into a relaxed (hypnotic)
state. It was interesting to hear myself speak but not at all be aware
of the words I was saying.

I know that Carly and I have lived multiple lives together and I look
forward to the next one I spend with her. I felt such comfort after
this session and I highly recommend having a Past Life Soul Regression ( PLSR) or Between Lives Soul Regression (BLSR) with Dr Backman.
Irene Vouvalides
Helping Parents Heal Affiliate Leader Hilton Head/Bluffton
HPH Board Member
Shining Light Parent

Lynn Argetsinger:
Linda spoke to our Minneapolis-St. Paul chapter in 2019, and when I asked several members if they had any input for this testimonial, they immediately volunteered that they felt Linda was one of our most memorable speakers, and that this meeting had been a “profound" and “transformational” experience for them. Most of our members were not familiar with past life or between lives regressions, and no one was aware of the concept of interplanetary souls. Linda was very affirming and compassionate, as well as a particularly articulate teacher, and I remember the discussion at that meeting was both exhilarating and comforting, and our group went on to read and discuss several of her books.
Linda continues to be a resource for our Shining Light Parents. Members who are further along on their grief journey refer newer members to seek out presentations by Linda on the HPH YouTube channel or consider having a past life regression with her.
~Lynn Argetsinger, HPH - Minneapolis/St Paul Affiliate Leader
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