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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

About Dr. Lucy Hone

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Dr. Lucy Hone is from New Zealand


Kathryn McMillan:
Hi Lucy
I have followed you and have learnt already so much from you. And I have had you in mind to approach to speak at a conference I’m part of organizing. Then you appeared on TV so I’m sure you are flat out busy! But I hope you can spare two ticks to read my email. Thank you in advance.
Very quickly to introduce myself. I live in Tauranga and am a mum to 4 gorgeous children. Two lovely girls aged 3 and 5, and our twin boys that are ‘in the stars’. Blake and Corin passed away in 2010 at 22 weeks gestation. They were born alive but were too premature to attempt to save. We are forever grateful for the time we had with them before and after they died. And since then, having our girls and being involved in helping other families whose baby or babies have died, has meant our lives are irrevocably changed.
I am part of Sands Bay of Plenty and also sit on the National Board for Sands NZ. I am part of organizing the conference ‘Sands National Conference 2017’ . A quick bit about what we do from our website-
Sands New Zealand is a network of parent-run, non-profit groups supporting families who have experienced the death of a baby. We have over 25 groups/contact people around the country.

All of the people involved in Sands give their time and energy voluntarily - we are not a government funded organisation. We do not have any paid staff. Most of our members/supporters are also bereaved parents.

We offer empathy and understanding. We are not counsellors and do not give professional advice but we do offer an opportunity and environment to share experiences, to talk and to listen. We promote awareness, understanding and support for those dealing with the death of a baby in pregnancy, birth or as a newborn, and due to medical termination or other forms of reproductive loss. We are registered with the Charities Commission.
I know your work in a non-academic capacity I guess you could say, and am currently reading you book. [beautiful by the way. Thank you] We would love your consideration in attending our conference here in Tauranga as a key note speaker. Now, I’m new to this ‘requesting key notes’ so I’m not sure of ‘standard practice’ I could write all night, but I hope you’ll come back to me with a yes or no if you interested and we can go from there. 
Attendees are bereaved parents, professionals [such as midwives, funeral directors, social workers] and Sands volunteers [which generally fall into those previous 2 categories of course] It is a special time of coming together and every conference has been truly amazing! We expect approx. 200 attendees. 
Our general theme for 2017 is “Beyond the Waves” which is about our grief journey. Dealing with the turmoil of the moment and looking towards the hope there is to come. Beyond the Waves there are new horizons and many treasures for us to discover. We know you are the prefect person to be part of this discussion.
It is held November 3-5 2017 in Tauranga. Feel free to read further on our website
I eagerly hope with fingers crossed you are interested in joining us. We would value your unique standpoint in so many ways, for me though it is your natural composure that I know especially bereaved parents will feel welcomed and inspired by.
Please feel welcome to reply email or phone on either of my personal numbers below-
Kindest regards
Kathryn McMillan
Mia Fisher:

Good Day Dr. Hone,I recently finished your book on resilient grieving and found it an excellent resource for the many patient families I work with. I would like to request your permission to reproduce your resiliency model as a handout for my group support participants. I think that they can really benefit from the puzzle description as they address their losses.

Mia Fisher, LCSW
Manager, Family Services
South Coast Hospice & Palliative Care


Jo Soldan:
Lucy's Resilient Grief Jigsaw is the basis of our bereavement groups and visitors often refer to having found or used a new piece of the jigsaw - they internally visualise it and find it really powerful.
-Now, when asked, I say that 'I'm doing the best that I can' - just one of the many useful devices that found in this book.
-This book validates some of the decisions I have made.
-This book is very good at getting you to see events from differing perspectives. You get to see successes, however small, where previously you see none.

Jo Soldan
Clinical Psychologist
Maria Sirois:
Lucy Hone's work is essential. If you have experienced loss of any kind, her clear, science-driven, and hard-won wisdom provides the combination of pragmatic guidance and personal inspiration we all need. When the harshest moments come, we seek a path forward - one with compassion, encouragement and clear, possible next steps that actually sustain us.  All of this is evident in Dr. Hone's work and I recommend her programs and her writings to clients everywhere.  Her leadership in this difficult territory is impeccable. 
~Dr. Maria Sirois, author of A Short Course in Happiness After Loss (and Other Dark, Difficult Times)

Jennifer Cory:

Lucy Hone is a highly respected expert in the science of resilience and wellbeing. She is also, and perhaps more importantly, someone who has personally tested the theories and strategies she teaches during her own dark night of the soul. Lucy not only understands the capacity for humans to rise from the ashes, she crafted a map for others to follow. Through her TedTalk, best-selling books, and programs, Lucy has been a guiding light to millions of people experiencing their own dark night. Her life is a beautiful example of what it means to turn pain into purpose, and her work provides an ever growing constellation of evidence based, practical tools to help us all navigate suffering.

Jennifer Cory, MS, MAPP
Founder & Chief Hope Facilitator

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