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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Jane Meakin

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Jane Meakin is from Reading Berkshire UK


Jacqueline Almanza:
I had the pleasure of receiving a reading from Jane Meakin. We met via Zoom it was audio only no video was available on my end. My computer has no camera. Jane is such a warm and caring person.
She started with a personal reading expressing information she was receiving about me from her guides. She was spot on. It was as if she had known me my entire life.
Next she explained that my mother’s mother was with us. She would like to honor her presence and she brought her through. This was a surprise but very reassuring for me. I had never met my grandmother but knew from the Jane’s message that she was connected with her beyond a doubt.
Finally, Jane brought through my youngest son Steven. He passed in 2019 at the age of 28 from a tragic car accident. This part of the reading was so delightful. She captured his humor, intelligence and compassion. We had some touching moments when he revealed that he is always with me. That morning I had touched a sweater in my closet that belongs to him. My thoughts at that exact moment of touching his sweater were repeated back to me when Jane said, he's making reference to a sweater, that smelled of him. He sees you with it, or you touch it, or you smell it, it's almost like you worry because it's not smelling of him. So he's saying, Mom, I'm everywhere. I'm absolutely everywhere. It doesn't matter where in the world you go. I am going to be right beside you. I'm not just in the fabric of that sweater.
This was astonishing to me because I just the hour before touch his sweater thinking it does not smell like him anymore.
There were many things he told Jane that confirmed to me she had him and he is still here, right now and every day. He was joking and making fun of me in his usual way. Most of all he was caring and loving toward me the way he had always been since he was a small boy. Steven was my little guy, and we had an amazing bond and Jane confirmed for me that bond still goes on. It was comforting to me to make this connection and to put my heart at ease.
~Jacqueline Almanza
Elle Rennie:

Where do we start with Jane? We start with the beautiful soul this lady brings to the world (Earth plane and spirit connection) Janes mediumship being top tier - the best there is! After having Readings all of my life I can whole heartily say Janes was one of if not the best. Bringing through my closest loved ones but then somebody i requested but have never met, all I said was his name!!! Blown away by this ladies aura and mediumship skills. If you haven't met Jane your missing out!!! Love you Jane cant wait for healing

~Elle Rennie

Terri MacDonald:

Jane Meakin did an event for me a while ago so I have seen her work with parents she was wonderful and delivered her readings so professionally and lovingly she will be a fantastic provider for HPH.

The parents she read are local and so busy as they run a Suicide awareness group so travel all over but Jane gave such a healing reading we were all so touched. I had a lot of feedback saying how wonderful she was from people that attended this online event.

~Terri MacDonald, our HPH UK Affiliate Leader

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