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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

About Jayme ODonnell

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Jayme ODonnell is from Texas


Brian Smith:

I had a blind reading with Jayme. By blind, I mean she only had my first name. There was no payment information provided to her and we did the reading over Zoom with both our videos off. 

Jayme knew right away that I have a daughter in spirit. She brought through specific details about my daughter, her personality, and her activities while she was in the physical. Jayme made me feel as thought my daughter was right there with her with the amount of specific evidence she gave. 

There was one thing Jayme said about having muddy shoes that made no sense to me at the time. Shayna was telling her about mud on the floor and muddy shoes. Two days later, I came in the house and found mud on the floor in the kitchen. When I looked at my shoes, there was mud on the bottom of them!

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