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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

About Shelby May

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Shelby May is from New York


Irene Vouvalides:
I participated in a test reading with medium Shelby May who was
interested in becoming a medium certified by Mark Ireland and on the
recommended HPH provider list.
I was astonished by the evidence she relayed not only by my daughter
in spirit but by other loved ones in spirit that I have not heard from
As a child I lost a close friend and neighbor who passed in 1974 from
brain cancer. I had not thought of June in decades and she was right
there, letting her presence be known. Shelby mentioned the name June
or word Juniper, Childhood friend, passed from cancer  WOW!
She brought through detailed and intimate information from my daughter
and  father that literally took my breath away.
I am thrilled to welcome Shelby to HPH and know she will bring much
comfort to many in our group.
Irene Vouvalides
Helping Parents Heal Affiliate Leader Hilton Head/Bluffton
HPH Board Member
Shining Light Parent
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