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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
Allison Blaustein's Validation from her son Mick through Kat Baillie

Allison Blaustein's Validation from her son Mick through Kat Baillie

  • Posted
    • Oct
    • 10
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Mick and his son Michael / Kat B.

Kat Baillie has shown up exactly when I have most needed validation from my son, Mick. This evening was no exception. She started off seeing something  “very sweet regarding stitching & repairing”. This was a special moment between my husband (making an attempt) and I (actually sewing) together.    

Kat said my son loved the reusing and repairing. This was always a passion of his and I had spent a lot of time and contemplation that day cleaning to reuse little things salvaged from hurricane Helene to avoid burdening the earth with more trash.

Kat segued into “I feel this means more- home repairs (my home was destroyed by hurricane Helene)  don’t panic about the repairs Mom, everything’s going to work out.”  

My son told Kat how worried I have felt about the outcome for St Pete Beach and my home there, how I had been seeking help (which is all true) and confirmed my feeling that it could be a three- year process. “You’ll get the help mom and you’ll rebuild better than ever.”

I believe Kat was referring to the home I am in now where hurricane Milton was fast approaching when she said my son was circling my home, putting his energy around it saying “You are protected mom, it will pass over you and you will be ok.” 

My son acknowledged that I have been through the impossible (as we all have here in HPH) and how since then, I’ve been thrown one major challenge after another, how tough it has been and how I have stayed consistent and calm, knowing that “what is meant for me will not pass me by.”  I’ve been needing to hear that.         

The mood was lightened as Mick let me know that he was  on a recent hike when I felt eyes upon me, heard a noise in the Florida scrubs, and ran like a maniac. I even thought it was funny at the time and my son thought it was hilarious to see me so frightened be a young doe.

Mick left me with, “Stay cool Mom, it’s all going to work out, I’m right here with you.”

~Allison Blaustein

Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.  

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