Amber Briscoe's Validation from her son Jagger through James Van Praagh
- May
- 26
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Jagger's Bench/Jagger's Bunny/Jagger & his Bunny/Jagger at Epcot/James Van Praagh
I feel so blessed to have had my boy come through JVP! The one and only! The OG! What an honor.
The first thing that James said was that he had to talk about a stuffed rabbit. The first gift Jagger received at birth in the hospital was a stuffed bunny. After he passed, I found it in storage and now keep it on the headboard of my bed. It was within reach! (picture with baby and now above)
The next thing he asked "Would he know somebody who played drums?" This was a no for me. But we'll come back to it.
He talked about Jagger and a concert that was a big deal. He took the train into the city to take himself to an all ages show a few months before he transitioned. It was the only concert he'd ever attended, so he got to have that experience. But a bigger deal was that in middle school he had performed in his own concert with his Rock Ensemble group at Epcot! (picture above)
"Trouble with his teeth crooked?" I had just been writing about how his dentist told him at age 4 that he had to stop sucking his thumb because it would make his teeth crooked.
James asked about having his clothing and wanting to wear a shirt of his. I had just worn a tshirt of his the day before! I don't often wear his shirts.
Then he asked about the significance of Sunday or a Sunday morning. I drew a total blank. At the end of the meeting, one of my mama friends, who was on the zoom, called me and said "He was talking about your upcoming vintage flea market!" I am doing a popup vintage clothing booth and I've never done it before. It's always been something I've wanted to do. It's in a couple weeks on a Sunday morning! So a really big validation that Jagger will be with me!
James asked if we were close to the beach or water - and sure enough I have Jagger's memorial bench next to the water. (picture above)
He talked about Jagger writing literature, the written word. In fact, my brilliant son is helping me write a book. And then mentioned that movies were our thing - so true. We always had movie dates both in the cinema and at home.
Then he brought up me looking at old photos. I post photos every day on social media and am adding them to the book.
He asked me if I had his belt. I drew a blank at the time but I had gotten him a Gucci belt while he was in high school and it was a really big deal for him. He loved it and wore it to pieces.
Brought up someone who is an Aquarius. And again, I drew a blank, but it turned out to be for a young mom who lost their baby to SIDS. We had a mutual friend on the call and she just really felt that combined with beginning with a baby's toy this was in fact for her friend.
Now to get back to the drummer - I saw a dear friend on Saturday morning following this Thursday reading. She told me that she'd been home to bury her father earlier in the week. "I managed to sneak his drumsticks into the casket. He was a drummer." I jumped in "Jagger brought your dad through with James Van Praagh!" We both had head to toe chills.
I have to say, as the days have passed, this reading has become more and more meaningful for me. What a blessing. Thank you, James and HPH! Can't wait to see you at the conference!
~Amber Briscoe, Jagger's Mom
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
- Joe McQuillen's Validation with his son Christopher through James Van Praagh
- Kathy MacMannis' Validation with her sons Aiden and Conor through James Van Praagh