Ann Greaver's Validation with her son Matt through Daisy Mae Moore
- Jan
- 7
- 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
Dexter and Matt / Daisy Mae Moore / Mia
What a gift to receive this random reading, especially during the holidays - thank you, Daisy Mae Moore, Matt & HPH! I could take all the evidence (and had more clarity afterwards). Sunday and Wednesday - Sunday was the first time after Matt’s passing that I felt his energy and saw a color in my mind’s eye that I associate with him ever since. I looked up his birth day and of course, there was the Wednesday, 4/25/90!
One of two, yes, two other siblings, two biological and two sons in spirit (Matt & Scott)- he is the younger one, as he noted for Daisy to mention. March and December - March was the month Matt transitioned (my parents too) and December is my sister’s birthday. Number four or fourth month - Matt was born in April. Brown hair, yes, dark dog, his beloved Dexter!
I was happy Matt told Daisy he wasn’t going to swear, to be respectful of Elizabeth and meeting attendees - he was raised to be polite but was also a stinker at times and pushed boundaries, ha!
Daisy asked who just had a birthday - my sister, Martha had just celebrated hers on Sunday, Dec. 8th! She is Matt’s Godmother/Aunt - very close relationship and she had a SDE (shared death experience) with him. Daisy heard him say “It’s such a JOY to be here and to be around you” - I had just spoken at a meeting earlier in the day and talked about the power of words/intention and had pointed out that I was wearing my “I Choose Joy” necklace (which I hadn’t worn in ages and still had on during the HPH gathering). I was also cutting out positive words for ornaments I was making. He is witty and Daisy picked that up, as she said “it’s unusual for a kid to say ‘it’s a joy’ and thought he was just being funny.
Sometimes I wonder if Matt is now my Joy Guide - he often reminds me to “chill, relax, lighten up, have fun”. Daisy also talked about my flip flop sandals - I wear them year round (it’s 23 degrees out now & I’m wearing, as slippers) - Matt said that’s weird, lol.
I loved that my maternal Grandmother Nellie/Nell (Dec. transition) and Uncle Joe (another March transition; my Dad’s brother in law, who was not religious at all) came through too! What a beautiful affirmation that they are looking after the boys and all together. My paternal grandfather, a smoker, popped in briefly.
I was touched when Daisy mentioned a small white or gold dog - our sweet 15 yr old shih tzu, Mia, passed in January and I’d been missing her a lot, being our first holiday season with her in Spirit. Daisy said Matt has her, also that Scott is around too, but Matt just wanted to kick off the meeting (he is the more vocal one).
I’ve had two private readings with Daisy (2021 & 2022), which were both amazing, heart and soul healing experiences! Thanks again, HPH, for these wonderful opportunities.
With love and gratitude, Ann Greaver, our HPH-Spiritual Tools for Healing Co-Affiliate Leader
Please listen to the YouTube video by clicking here.
- The Wisdom of Greg by Susan and Bill Van Oije - Greg Has Our Books
- Carrie and Scott Lott's Validation Story with their daughter Lexi through Kathi Behrens