Barbara McKnight's Validation from her son Justin through Lisa Wilcoxson
- May
- 22
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Lisa Wilcoxson/ with her daughter Jaclyn and son Justin
Thank you so much for this group! It helps me immensely.
I attended the Lisa Wilcoxson Gallery Readings on 5-19-24 by zoom. My son Justin f33 came through not once, but twice. It was truly amazing. Lisa totally validated it was him by the things she said.
The validations I received are...
~He said my name "Barbara "to get my attention then said "Happy Birthday" to his sister Jaclyn (her 40th birthday is 5/22). He mentioned he would pick a flower for her birthday.
~Justin said "heirloom gun, it's ok"
He was given an antique rifle that belonged to his great grandfather. He treasured this. His wife (of 2 months) has possession of it and won't give it back to me. I had already decided it's just material things. He confirmed that for me.
~ Justin said he "liked my new hairdo." I've stopped dying my hair and it's the longest it's been in many years.
~He said "David Scott", which is my present husband's name. (Justin's dad passed away 7-14-12) to get my attention again.
~He mentioned "brain," EEG electrode is what Lisa said also. Justin had an AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) rupture in his brain on June 25th, 2021, he passed away on October 7th, 2021 (the day after his 33rd birthday). He fought so hard to survive.
This was all SO incredibly amazing to me!
Justin sends me lots of signs and loves to play the "sign of the week" game
I was incredibly happy with the signs that my son Justin came to me. Thank you with my whole heart,
Barbara McKnight
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
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