Becky Alber's Validation with her son Zach through Isabella Johnson
- Jan
- 23
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
I watched Isabella Johnson’s presentation after the fact on YouTube January 16th. The last two readings she had with the mothers, I truly think was my son (not just a piggyback).
My son Zach was 37 (looked very young), has a little dog here with me that was attached to Zach, never left his side. Zach was brilliant, books galore, neat bedroom but clothes on the floor, close to his dad and they would have amazing conversations (his dad passed in 2016). Relied on me to fight for him and take care of him, I stayed by his side thru it all. He had treatment (radiation from a brain tumor when he was 9) where he lost his hair. Got sick again at 37 with mesothelioma cancer, coughed whenever he would try to talk, couldn’t eat anymore (was 70 pounds when he passed). He loved to eat before he got sick. Always told me I was the best mom and thanked me always. His medical file so thick.
I do need glasses, we bought readers all the time (it became a joke with us). We used to walk all the time until he got too sick. I have had two little mice in my house since I moved from our home. There was a mouse in Zachary’s and my home when he was sick and dying. I was washing his pillow yesterday, that I sleep with now. It was a cylinder pillow that we both used for our necks.
Also, we laughed all the time together and he never wanted to bring attention to himself or his health issues.
I could go on. Everything Isabella said was exactly as it was in our lives before I lost him.
This brought so much peace to my weary heart last night. Thank you for starting this group and doing what you do tirelessly. I found you two years ago, right after Zach’s passing. I’m not sure I would be here without the inspiration and hope that this group has brought to me.
I am forever grateful.
~Becky Alber (Zach’s mom)🙏🏽🫂🤍
Please watch the YouTube Video by clicking here.
- Kristie Minton's Validation with her son Maddox through Daisy Mae Moore
- Meaghann Diez's Validation from her daughter Hailey through Pauline Mason