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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Carol Blaney's Validation from her daughter Isabel through Stacey Lynn Cripps

Carol Blaney's Validation from her daughter Isabel through Stacey Lynn Cripps

  • Posted
    • Dec
    • 13
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson

I’m so grateful to Stacey Lynn Cripps for bringing my dear Isabel through! Stacey heard from a beautiful young woman with an L in her name and long dark hair, excitedly kicking up her feet, coming in with sun and rainbows, and linked to the numbers 17 or 20. Isabel had long dark hair, was an aerial acrobat in a local circus, has the last name Sun, shows me rainbows as signs, and transitioned suddenly at 17. Two other beautiful girls with similar qualities came through for their moms, and Stacey communicated skillfully with all of them.

During the reading, I felt Isabel most strongly when Stacey mentioned writing a long letter. For the more than seven years since Isabel passed, I have written letters to her and transcribed what she says to me. Through Stacey, Isabel said she was with me through it all and had the cover picked out for a book.

Stacey said our daughters want their voices to be heard—they have deep and important things to say. More than a dozen friends and family members have experienced Isabel since her passing, and one message was lifesaving. A friend heard from Isabel just after overdosing on pills. Isabel woke her and said she had to go and tell her parents. The young woman did, and her parents got her to a hospital in time to save her.

I love Isabel so much and hearing from her is a gift. Thank you, Stacey!

~With love, Isabel's mom, Carol Blaney

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