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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Cat Urasche's Validation with her daughter, Briseis, through Reverend Sue Frederick

Cat Urasche's Validation with her daughter, Briseis, through Reverend Sue Frederick

  • Posted
    • Dec
    • 15
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Cat and Briseis / Reverend Sue Frederick

I am so grateful to have been chosen for a numerology session with Reverend Sue Frederick. I am a cancer survivor for 14 years and then the unthinkable happened. My daughter Briseis was diagnosed with cancer and passed in less than year at age 23. I never imagined this would happen to her. I always thought it would be me. So, I asked Sue why she passed from cancer and not me?

Sue said I have a light to offer the world and specifically to my daughter and if I passed it wouldn’t have served her journey. She said that my daughter is on the most sacred spiritual path, and she is an angel from the highest realms and was never meant to stay here long. Her pure angelic soul chose the path of cancer (pre-birth) to burn up any negative energy from past or current lifetimes and she crossed as a pure being of light and is a powerful ascended master soul.

She said my daughter and I have an agreement to empower each other, and she is cheering me on because I’m supposed to stay here and claim my angelic presence in the world. It’s no longer about my physical healing. It’s about spiritual ascendance of the soul. My daughter wants me to claim that I’m an angel on earth to do work that helps people heal their hearts.

Everything Reverend Sue said resonated deeply and I am so thankful for this wisdom and insight. And I appreciate that Elizabeth said all of this fits perfectly as an affiliate leader for parents of children who passed of cancer. It’s an honor to be of service for HPH where hearts are being healed, including my own.

~Cat Urasche, our HPH - Children Who Have Passed of Cancer/Illness Co-Affiliate Leader

Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here

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