Cheryl Olson's Validations with her son Timothy and her daughter Amy through James Van Praagh
- May
- 27
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Amy and Timmy/James Van Praagh
Thank you, HPH and James Van Praagh, for my excellent reading last week. It was truly amazing, and when he called my name, I was beyond excited.
He started with validations from my mom, Ann. She was there with my son, Tim, and my daughter, Amy. He mentioned that I now have her costume jewelry, especially her broaches. I have two shoe boxes full!
He then said that my son has now found love, and that I used to talk to him about that, and so wanted that for him. He mentioned that my son and daughter are not together, but my daughter is doing good and her own thing. At first, I didn't know how. I felt about this, but it makes sense now that he has a partner.
James also talked about how happy I was when the kids were young and that I needed to stop living in the past. That message came from my daughter. During the reading, he talked about me still having her baby clothes and brushing her hair. All of this is true.
I wanted to mention James' funny laugh; I loved it. All of these validations (and more!) were healing. Thank you.
~Cheryl Olson
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
- Kathy MacMannis' Validation with her sons Aiden and Conor through James Van Praagh
- Barb Klein's Validation with her son Nate through Barbra Banner