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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Daisy Hernandez's Validation from her daughter Leslie through Jamie Clark

Daisy Hernandez's Validation from her daughter Leslie through Jamie Clark

  • Posted
    • Nov
    • 16
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
Just wanted to share an amazing validation from a Jamie Clark reading I had at the wonderful HPH Conference last year. Jamie said to me: "Either you already started doing something related to your daughter's Leslie Marie transition circumstances or you are going to." He was right. I did started contacting school Directors trying to get an opportunity to talk about the dangers of Fentanyl. Jamie Clark continued: "You don't have to but if you do, you'll be helping a lot of people and it's going to be team work because Leslie is going to be right by your side." Last year I visited two schools and got to show the "Dead on Arrival" documentary video and talked to students.
This year I got to talked about my daughter's Leslie (testimonial) in a few TV shows, newspaper and at the DEA National Family Summit on Fentanyl in PR along with DEA officials.
What is most amazing is that the DEA agent in charge of giving presentations to students around the Island, asked me if he could talk to students about my beloved daughter. He said and I quote: "Leslie is going to shine her Light and she is our spokesperson for the prevention message to students around Puerto Rico". I'm so amazed, grateful and still can't believe it. This is not coincidence. Of all the people in PR, who would have known? I'm so grateful to Elizabeth Veney Boisson, for everything she does and because of HPH I found amazing Jamie Clark. I'm sharing this not because I think I've done anything but because is a extraordinary validation from Jamie and my beloved daughter Leslie Marie. I'm grateful to God, Spirit, Universe. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
~with love, Daisy Hernandez

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