Dani Valdez and her husband's Validation from her son Devon from Beth Lynch
- Jul
- 23
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Good evening,
I was graciously blessed with a reading from my 17 year old son, Devon Kyle Greenstreet through Beth Lynch. My husband had just gotten home from work and walked into the room I'm in to say hi and give me a kiss. Right as he left the room, Beth brought through an amputation. My husband had his leg amputated in a car which she also brought through.
I was asked to unmute and it is so neat that Devon validated right then, he is with us. Dev said he will get them both back someday. My husband kept saying that all he needed was his leg to work again and he will be good. He is definitely working hard with it and runs circles around everyone else at work. He is also in a very physically demanding position too. It's great that Dev confirmed he is going uphill as our family had gone through so much with my husband having 25 major surgeries on his leg and other affected areas due to the accident. Beth also brought through fishing. We all love fishing and used to fish together. My husband had been saying he wants to go fishing and to play golf. She confirmed Dev is with him when he goes.
My husband and I share stories and signs with one another that we have experienced or felt throughout each day. My husband is Clairvoyant and also possesses Clairaudience with my son. I possess senses with Clairsalience, Clairempathy and on occasion, Clairsentience. I am continuing to work on the clairs and will get better with the ones I acknowledge and the ones that definitely need work. It's awesome to share the connections we both have with Devon and it reassures us that there is definitely life after life and he IS here with us always! Beth also said to give Dev a hug and that he's always here and to not ever think he's not. I said I do know this as he constantly shows us through signs. He is extremely creative and spirit is truly magical. I constantly thank and show appreciation to Dev for my signs. It truly raises his vibration and energy as well as mine. It also makes it easier to see and experience them because they are on such a higher vibration than we are.
Dev also said through Beth that my mom's the best which got all the other kids in spirit to say no, my mom's the best. She confirmed he's a leader like his mom which is true. She also brought through baseball and motioned throwing a ball. I confirmed the evidence because our whole family has played Baseball/Softball. I also used to be a fast pitch softball pitcher for about 20 years. I have been wanting to get back into it. I believe he confirmed it is a good route for me and to go for it.
I got such a great quick reading with a good amount of evidence packed into it. I truly appreciate Devon coming through and communicating with Beth. She is wonderful and I'm blessed to have been led to this group by Devon.
I truly miss our son's physical presence everyday but ultimately I have been led to a whole new "world" and am healing. If he wouldn't have transitioned, I don't believe I would have realized our loved ones are still here with us. I have been able to help myself along with many other mama's. I am happy and I never thought I would or could say that again. I love helping others and always have. I have a vast amount of "tools" in my "tool box" to use and I do use them. I am happy for myself, my daughter, my husband and of course Devon.
Thank you for all you do for us!
- Sandi Cross' Validation with her daughter Brianna through Fara Gibson
- Tracey Hamilton's Validation with her daughter Amy through Stacey Lynn Cripps