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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Debby Schimmel's Validation from her Daughter Ashley through Pauline Mason

Debby Schimmel's Validation from her Daughter Ashley through Pauline Mason

  • Posted
    • Nov
    • 16
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson

Here are some pictures of my beautiful daughter Ashley with her son Julian. 

She passed on March 25, 2023, when her son was 16 years old. I attended the gallery reading last week with Pauline Mason.  Ashley came through, at first describing her medical conditions of breathing difficulties (two pneumonias) and severe blood clotting disorders she suffered from during the last weeks of her life. 

Her pure exhaustion made it difficult for her to follow through on her many plans as Pauline described.  Pauline was able to bring through though her love of dancing, laughing, her beautiful pink dress (prom dress senior year) and more.

I didn't understand the reference to Ashley showing her an apple till later when I realized she was talking about the one apple I bought the week before!  Ashley showed her what looked like a stuffed bunny, but it was more likely the real rabbit she owned as a child!! 

Thank you Pauline for bringing our children through.  It brings so much comfort to know Ashley is still so much a part of our lives!

~Ashley’s Mom, Debby Schimmel

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