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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Debby Schimmel's Validation from her daughter Ashley through Stacey Lynn Cripps

Debby Schimmel's Validation from her daughter Ashley through Stacey Lynn Cripps

  • Posted
    • Jan
    • 18
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Ashley, the Angel Tree, Stacey Lynn Cripps
Here are two pictures.  One of my beautiful daughter. Ashley, and the second is the angel tree I made for her this year.  Stacey Lynn Cripps described my daughter so perfectly- from her medical condition to seeing the angels I've been decorating with, to her love for all of the children and now teens in her life when she passed, on December 12th.  I will let you choose what you want to include in your newsletter but definitely please say something about the youth who always came to her as their second mom and safe place, and that Ashley is still helping children in the " afterlife". 
Stacey knew she wanted her hair cut very short as she struggled in the hospital for weeks, also had weight loss, also dealt with addiction, which ultimately was the root cause of her body failing her.  And that she didn't get to say goodbye.
Ashley showed her angels which I have a large collection of, but I think Ashley was probably referring to the angel tree I made for her, the solar angels I just put around her grave, the angels I hung in the tree near her grave, the two other angel ornaments I bought for her this year.  My list of angels could go on!
In Ashley's lifetime on earth, her passion was her son and all of his many friends- girls and boys.  When she transitioned, they were all 16 years old, but over the years from age 4 and up, she always had lots of kids at her house.  She let them spend the night in large groups, fed them, drove them everywhere, was always there for them.  They called her mama.  Particularly, she had " round table discussions " when they became teens as to what was on their minds, what they struggled with and how she could help them.  She loved them all as if they were her own.  Stacey mentions that she is still doing this and that she is doing what she loved the most- fulfilling her life's purpose in the afterlife.
Stacey described my daughter in all of her loving ways so perfectly.  She really understood the essence of who Ashley was.  Thank you so much for these gallery readings, for creating HPH, and all you continue to do for us! 
~Blessings, Debby Schimmel
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