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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Dina Aune's Validation from her son Brady through Maureen Hancock

Dina Aune's Validation from her son Brady through Maureen Hancock

  • Posted
    • Nov
    • 7
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Brady playing football / Maureen Hancock / Brady and his brother, Logan
What a blessing it was to have Maureen Hancock read for us and Brady's brother! He literally grabbed Maureen's attention when he saw his brother walk by in our home.
He and Logan were very close in physical life and his brother listened to every word Maureen relayed to him from his little brother in spirit. So much of what she said was exactly true between them and the remainder of the reading played out over the week to follow! 
Brady told us he would send us a deer and his brother Logan saw that deer within 36 hours of the reading! He mentioned a boy with a name that started with "j" and ended with "n". Well, that boy walked into our life within a week of the reading when he rang our doorbell.  "Justin" introduced himself to us; he was an exact double of our beautiful Brady in every way (including his beautiful smile).
What a beautiful and really needed reading we received from the amazing Maureen!
Here are pictures of our Brady and him with his brother Logan.
~with love, Dina Aune
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here!  

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