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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
Ellen Trotta Carmody's Validation with her son Frankie through Fara Gibson

Ellen Trotta Carmody's Validation with her son Frankie through Fara Gibson

  • Posted
    • Jun
    • 28
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Frankie Trotta/Frankie's Bears and 3D Figure of Frankie/Fara Gibson

I had my third reading with Fara Gibson last week and just like the past two, she was astounding!  Fara shared so many validations from my son, Frank and my sister, Mary, but this validation was too good not to share!

Fara said that I have a memorial for my son in the house.  I showed her my son’s urn and pictures in the living room, and she said “No, that’s not it.  Frank is showing me a 3D thing” and she pointed upwards.  I told her that I wasn’t aware of any 3D thing in my home and said that my ex-husband had one, to which she replied “No, there’s one up there, as well as other things.  I see a seashell?  I also see a heart shaped thing and you now have two bears in your home.”  (During our last reading, Fara told me about the stuffed bear I had on my bed, made out of one of Frank’s shirts. )

My daughter just moved home for the summer, so I went upstairs to her room and there were all four items - the stuffed bear, the clamshell with a picture of my triplets, the ceramic heart and the 3D figure of Frank that I didn’t even know was in the room!

During my last reading, in Fara’s home,  Fara told me that Frank loved the stuffed bear on my bed.  I told her that my sister-in-law made them for our family members and she replied “Yes, but yours is different, yours has a button missing”.  I didn’t know that it did have a button missing until I got home.  The pictures of my bear are also attached, along with the missing button.

Fara is a life saver and such a gift to all grieving parents!  I can’t wait to see her and hug her at the HPH Convention!

~Regards, Ellen Carmody

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