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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Evolved Souls Don't Need Long Earthly Experiences March 2025

Evolved Souls Don't Need Long Earthly Experiences March 2025

  • Posted
    • Feb
    • 13
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson

Evolved Souls Don’t Need Long Earthly Experiences
March 2025 by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC

To all family members, I am very sorry about the death of your child’s human form.  (Your daughter and/or son didn't really die even though their earth-suit did.  That's an extremely important distinction.)  I’m glad you are learning how to heal and transform despite this seeming tragedy.  Six key understandings to making that shift are:

            1. Over 99% of who and what your child 'was' is still alive in the next phase of life.  This is true no matter how they passed on.  See the following articles at for a review of the scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence for this statement.

    (Note: these and all articles referenced are free at

            2. Again, only their earthly body died: everything else about them continues – all the love, energy, sense of humor, memories, personality, energetic / spiritual body, and much more

  1. They are happy, peaceful, loving, and enthusiastic – and want you to be that way now too. Read article #2 When a Child Changes Worlds and #93 For Bereaved Parents and Family Members to learn how you can do that. 

                4. You will see them when you pass on and can enjoy a different kind of relationship now.  To learn more about how you can do this, see article #9 Visit With ‘Departed’ Loved Ones Now and #28 Afterlife Contacts
                5. You can choose – moment by moment – to transmute your grief into a spiritually transformative experience that powerfully improves your life and blesses others.  To learn how, see article #82 Journey from Deeply Grieving to Brightly Shining

                6. You can heal and share gifts from their life and transition from earth by lovingly serving others.  Read article #84 Heal and Transform Your Suffering.  Further, you and your child may have volunteered to take part in a meta-plan as described in article #119 11 Keys to Helping Yourself, Others, and Our World


After a child changes worlds, family members understandably feel much pain, sadness, anger, guilt, and other lower-energy emotions.   No one could or should ever judge that.  However, many have learned to regularly use keys #1 - 6 above and, over time, and feel more peace, joy, love, and gratitude.  To learn more about how you can do this, see article #108 Higher Energies, Emotions, and Ways of Being.    

You can do the same.  It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible with small steps day by day using the above keys and six action steps . . .

  1. Attend online HPH meetings on the Calendar and attend local Affiliate Groups.  (If there's not an in-person group nearby, consider staring one.)   


  1. Use Special Interest Groups that offer more focused service for fathers, siblings, parents of children who passed by suicide or substance abuse, and much more.

  2. Contact The Caring Listeners to talk with at no charge


  1. Read free articles at and take relevant action steps


  1. Listen to free Radio Shows at and experts' answers to life’s toughest questions including “Why do children die?”


  1. Lean on others as needed. Later, when you are doing better, you can help others. 


*       *       *       *       *       *       *


Q: I've heard there is a soul contract that led to our son's passing at age 18.  Why in the world would souls design something that causes so much pain and suffering?  It just doesn't make sense to me!


A: Thank you for asking this ultra-important question.  I am very sorry for all your pain and suffering.  However, many people have learned to transmute that into a wonderful life that benefits everyone including their children who changed worlds.  This is a very 'deep' topic so I can only provide a brief overview.  Key points and article numbers at to learn more include . . . 


  1. You and your child are eternal souls who only used part of your soul's energy / consciousness to manifest this earthly experience. You knew this time on earth is but a blink of
    an eye in the span of eternity so the eternal benefits were well worth the heart ache.  (articles #15 and 75)


  1. From your pre-earthly vantage point, you knew 'The Great News' that no one really dies, you will see each other again, and this seeming senseless tragedy could result in magnificent blessings for you and many people. (#19)


  1. You volunteered for the possibility of an early death for your son. I know this sounds horribly cruel and ludicrous from a limited human perspective.  However, from a 'big picture of life' perspective, it's elegant and is all about love.  It's important to realize that your son's passing wasn't an arbitrary decision by an uncaring Creator.  (#25 and 78)


  1. Remembering your reasons for designing this plan can help you heal and fulfill the highest missions of you and your son.  Doing this can help many people and our world. 


On March 3rd at 7pm Eastern, I will present a free experiential session entitled Pre-Birth Planning: Did I REALLY Choose All This?!  This technique uses deep relaxation and guided imagery to help you revisit the time of soul planning before coming to earth.  If you can't attend the live class on the 3rd, you can watch a recording on the Helping Parents Heal YouTube Channel by clicking here.  Please read article #40 Pre-Birth Planning at before the class.  


I recommend that you read the articles listed above and attend this class.  Also, use the Holistic Breathing Technique twice a week for the next month to release the deep pain and shock that predictably occurs after your son changed worlds.  See article #70 to learn more and use the HPH video by clicking here


Start with that and let me know how you're doing in 60 days.  We'll add additional information and resources if necessary to help you journey FROM deeply grieving TO brightly shining.  To you and all members of our HPH family, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about this technique or anything else.   


Hugs, love, and blessings as you heal, transform, and shine!


Note #1
: As long as my schedule allows, I will email brief but information and resource-packed replies to parents, siblings, and other close family members at no charge.  Just email me at with your biggest questions and toughest challenges and I'll create a personalized holistic program for you.   


Note #2: My audio products and books that can help every aspect of your life are inexpensive.  However, email if you can't afford or can't purchase them for any reason, and we’ll send complimentary digital copies two products at a time.  I want everyone around the world to have access to this evidence-based information and holistic resources.   


Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care.  Dr. Pitstick’s recommendations are based on over fifty years of training and experience in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and chiropractic holistic health practice.  Some of his statements are supported by clinical and scientific data while others are based on experiential evidence and his best current understandings.  

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, counselor, masters level clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and workshop / webinar teacher.  While attending theology school majoring in pastoral counseling, he provided suicide prevention counseling and education. 

Mark is the spokesperson and a strategic planner for the SoulPhone Project, and assists research for the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.  He created four programs with evidence-based information, holistic resources, 'The Great News', and The 8 Developments that enable personal and planetary transformation.  The programs include:

Greater Reality LIVING Program (article #72)


Greater Reality HEALING Program (article #82)


Greater Reality HELPING Program (article #119)


Greater Reality SHARING Program (article #122)

His mission is to help you know and show – no matter what is happening to you or around you – that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.  Visit for free articles, radio shows, and newsletters. 

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