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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
Focus on Our Affiliate Leaders - Andrea Courey,  HPH - Sound Healing

Focus on Our Affiliate Leaders - Andrea Courey, HPH - Sound Healing

  • Posted
    • Oct
    • 15
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Chloé and Andrea / Chloé / Chloé at 24 / Chloé and Andrea on a tandem bike

My name is Andrea Courey and I’m honored to be profiled this month as an Affiliate Leader.  My daughter Chloe, 28, transitioned in 2016 after a long illness.  Even on the very night she transitioned, she was talking to me. I knew, beyond all possible doubt, that those communications were real.  When I picked up my phone one day to see the phrase ‘Chloe is fine’ I knew she really was fine.  

Even during some of the toughest moments that I navigated, she tried to lift my spirits and make me laugh.  For about five months after she passed, Chloe  and I had so many conversations together that I wrote a book entitled  ‘Conversations with Chloe -  A Mother and Daughter Dialogue Across the Veil’.

And yet, even with that close communication, I wanted and needed to talk to other parents. How did they cope with their grief?  Then I found Helping Parents Heal. The closest HPH chapter was a 2 to 2 ½ hour drive each way to Patti May and the Ottawa group. Without hesitation, I drove to Ottawa.  Once a month I was there. I found their stories so compelling that I grouped them into a second book entitled ‘Magical Thinking...Not!’ Both books are available as a free pdf upon request.   

One day I brought to Ottawa the crystal bowls and other instruments I use for Sound Healing.  The combination of soothing, expansive vibrations and some brief, gentle words of guidance created harmony and flow and that was it!  I knew I wanted to offer this type of meditation to parents to help raise their wellbeing.  By releasing stress, worry and heavier emotions, they could fill with peace.  And then all was possible. Without trying, after death communications were happening spontaneously.  I wondered if I could induce these communications with gentle guidance and the right vibrations?  The answer is yes! 

We continue to grow together and explore the healing we receive on many levels from Sound. Our newest endeavour is to help other Affiliate Leaders bring  soothing soundscapes to their meetings, both live and on zoom.   I say ‘we’ because Miss Chloe is right in there helping me, loving me and nudging me along  J

Thank you Elizabeth and Irene and all the volunteers for your great work.  To contact me, write to

~Andrea Courey, our HPH - Sound Healing Affiliate Leader


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