Focus on our Affiliate Leaders: Beautiful Lisa Wilcoxson - HPH - All Our Children/Only Child, HPH - Parents of Children of Special Needs, Caring Listener
- Mar
- 18
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Lisa speaks at the second HPH Conference/Anthony, Lisa, and Michael/Rick and Lisa
Lisa Wilcoxson is an inspiration to all of us at Helping Parents Heal. She was one of our earliest members and has played a role in helping others heal ever since. Lisa is a Co-Affiliate Leader of two groups: All My Children/Only Child with Irene Vouvalides, and Parents of Children with Special Needs with Craig Nelson. Plus, she donates her time as a Caring Listener. Lisa's husband, Rick, as created two wonderful videos of our past two conferences, and Lisa is a Provider for Helping Parents Heal.
I’m Lisa Wilcoxson, the proud mom of Michael and Anthony. Michael crossed to Spirit in 2000 at the age of 12, and Anthony crossed in 2013 at the age of 18. Helping Parents Heal was a tremendous lifeline when I found myself with ‘all’ of my children on the other side.
It’s my greatest honor to be your co-affiliate leader for two Helping Parents Heal affiliate groups near and dear to my heart. The first, HPH - Parents of Children with Special Needs, began when I noticed many parents who had children that were differently-abled were struggling to find a way to connect. The children in our group are such beautiful lights. Many of them were, like my sweet Michael, non-verbal, and I was often asked if they would be able to communicate from Spirit if we never heard them speak, and how? Well, let me tell you, they certainly let us know they are not only able to amazingly communicate, but that they have had super powers all along and they use them now! Craig Nelson, my new co-affiliate leader, receives such amazing validations of lights and images through his son Alex. Alex was also non-verbal, and our special children are truly amazing at helping us see the divine connection that remains between us. Our group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 8pm ET via Zoom. If you have a child in spirit with no more disabilities, and are wanting to connect with their amazing superpowers, please join us!
Twelve years after Michael crossed, Anthony joined him. It was as if I had ‘lost’ them both all at once. Now what was I to do? Well, clearly my boys, and my soul, knew the mission. It was at a grief retreat in Sedona that I started seeing children everywhere. On the weekends I would attend Helping Parents Heal meetings in Scottsdale, and between the two events I came to know I had found my boys. They were never lost. It’s hard to believe that was eleven years ago!
Elizabeth Boisson reached out to Irene Vouvalides and myself with a special request. She asked us to co-facilitate a group founding the HPH - All Our Children/Only Child affiliate group, for parents who had all their children or their only child cross. As with almost all things Elizabeth does, I am certain the children prompted her. My goodness, I know I speak for Irene when I say there is something about this group that is uniquely special. Currently our membership surpasses 500 parents. We have an international presence, an unspoken bond, and a vast army of angelic children who support us at every meeting. Mostly, we continue to remind each other we are ‘still a Mom/Dad,’ and that if one of us can do this, we can all do it. The hour I am privileged to spend with this group is the most important hour of my month. There has not been one meeting to date that Irene and I have not texted each other to say, “Wow, that was powerful.”
Our HPH All/Only Child meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 8pm ET. If all your children now live in Spirit, please join us as we learn we can continue to have a loving relationship with them. Whatever your personal journey, Helping Parents Heal offers so much to help you understand this more fully. The list of affiliate groups and recommended resources can be found online at www.HelpingParentsHeal.org.
~Lisa Wilcoxson
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