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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Focus on Our Affiliate Leaders - Galen Call, Chat with Galen by Zoom & HPH-Monterey Peninsula Co-Affiliate Leader

Focus on Our Affiliate Leaders - Galen Call, Chat with Galen by Zoom & HPH-Monterey Peninsula Co-Affiliate Leader

  • Posted
    • Mar
    • 4
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson

Hi, I’m Galen Call. My husband Brian and I are parents to two adult sons: Andrew and his older brother Weston, in spirit. When Weston was born, he arrived with a smile on his face and a disposition that not only had him sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old, he also was a child who happily allowed anyone to hold him right from the start! He had a great reputation before he could walk! This joyous characteristic stayed with him, albeit he wasn’t without some challenging and rebellious stretches in high school. He always had a sense of humor! He was seeking his way as an independent thinker, sorting out where he was best suited and determined to do it on his terms. He surfed, hiked, mountain biked and loved snowboarding.  Burning Man was an important place where he learned to become a builder of art cars and huge installations. We discovered later that he had more friends than our whole family put together.  After college at Humboldt State University with a business degree, he found himself back in our area and desired to live in Big Sur. This glorious mountain- to- the- sea wilderness, was overrun with tourism. His intention was to provide an environmental education aspect with a shuttle bus system to accommodate tourists and help minimize their footprint. The summer of 2018, he was entering a critical phase of scaling this project when he suddenly passed from a seizure in his home on a ridge line overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  It was less than 2 months after he celebrated his 32nd birthday.

We are a very close-knit family. Brian and I worked in tandem with Weston as he was growing this unique and greatly needed service. His sudden passing was shocking, unexpected and extremely painful.  You know this pain, this unbearable, impossible heart ache. Nothing like this had ever happened to us; the worst of the worst, and yet I had this sense that we were not exempt from experiencing such horror.  Within a couple of days, I also knew that I needed to know “where did he go” and I needed to find hope.

The last 6 years have been nothing short of a miraculous journey.  On his first angel date I asked a friend if she knew of any mediums. Suzanne Giesemann was recommended. She was not available at that moment, but her website led me into classes in mediumship and ultimately to finding HPH. This group has become my home away from home and I know that my healing comes from the love and amazing support from other shining light parents.  I learned to walk again during those weeks and months of COVID where all we had (thankfully) were daily zoom meetings, connection and psychic development workshops and presentations all online. It was an extraordinary time which launched me into my healing journey.  My desire to offer a place to find hope and community was my original intention for starting an affiliate group by zoom. I assumed it would be a local audience, but the universe had other ideas! My open chat became available to all, everywhere that HPH had membership around the world.   Thus, I began my monthly zoom meeting in November of 2020, an open - chat style, adopted from Irene and Kathy. Our monthly in-person meeting began in April 2024 where I host alongside co-leader Michelle Hamilton. I am filled with gratitude and humbled with the truth at hand; I did indeed find Weston; he is right by my side, (thank you my love!) and he keeps Brian and I heading in the right direction. It is with heart felt gratitude that I hold space for another parent, to provide what I was given and continue to receive.

~With love, Galen Call, Chat with Galen by Zoom & Co-Affiliate Leader Monterey Peninsula, CA

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