Heather Spilotro's Validation from her son Luke through Amy Utsman
- Dec
- 2
- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
I am always amazed at the wonderful readings I get from the Helping Parents Heal meetings!
I was so lucky to have jumped into the zoom meeting. Amy Utsman was right when she said I wasn't where I was supposed to be. I had an emotional appointment earlier in the afternoon and really thought I was "done" for the day.
Amy said the boy she was talking too had gone through a huge growth spurt and it was painful for him. Luke went to his 6th grade physical and had asked the Doctor how tall he would be. The Doctor asked how tall his father is. Luke told him around 5'10". The Doctor said you most likely with be about that tall. Luke was so upset - he was a basketball player and really wanted to be tall! I told Luke that he could try praying and see what happens. Well, needless to say Luke shot up almost overnight! It did cause him a lot of discomfort. And, it made him a very clumsy basketball player! I typed in the chat that Luke was a size 12 but he actually wore a size 13 shoe. One year for Christmas I had to special order socks for him because we could not find socks to fit him. Once, at one of his games, a grandparent in the stands behind me took a look at Luke out on the court and said "Look at that kid - he looks like he is 18." Another validation from Amy!
Amy talked about a "playlist" - I have just started getting organized and actually put together the playlist 2 days before the reading. Luke regularly sends me songs as signs. Some of the songs are faster paced and some are slow. Amy mentioned me working out and listening to the playlist. She was SPOT ON! I have been riding my stationary bike and listening to the playlist while I exercise. And YES - its hard to keep the pace with the music on the playlist because there are some "slow" songs. Amy even made the movement with her arms showing that Luke is right there working out with me!
The beautiful message at the end "Don't let our pain carry your pain over for life" and said he is embracing the whole group. Saying that they are all doing great over there and that we have to carry on here at our own pace"
Also, I do have a family "confidant" who loves to hear about all my signs and messages from Luke.
Thank you so much Elizabeth and everyone at HPH
~Written by Luke's Mom, Heather Spilotro
Photos of Luke on his Basketball team and the playlist photo are attached
Please watch the Youtube video by clicking here.
- Ishtiak Saleh's Validation with his daughter Auditi through Drew Polifrone
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