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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Ish and Sabina Saleh's Validation with Ariel through Gordon Smith

Ish and Sabina Saleh's Validation with Ariel through Gordon Smith

  • Posted
    • Dec
    • 27
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Ariel and Ramee / Ariel / Gordon Smith

On the afternoon of December 16, 2024, my wife Sabina and I joined the very gifted medium and spiritual teacher Gordon Smith’s holiday cheer talk. Towards the beginning of his uplifting talk, Gordon said that our children could bring us messages to lift us from any crisis, grief, or pain.

A few minutes later, Gordon suddenly said that he had to deliver a message from Austin, son of our friends Jeff and Nan Cottrel whom we spent time at the conference. Gordon mentioned that November was a birthday month, which Austin’s parents confirmed. Gordon continued, “November 5 is being put up, which is Guy Fawkes night in U.K.” We were startled as November 5 is our daughter Ariel’s birthday.  After delivering amazing messages to Austin’s parents, Gordon asked Jeff to deliver a message to Ish and said that Austin had Ariel with him.  Gordon then said, “She is showing her mother Sabina/Sabrina is here. That was only the beginning of the magical eight minutes to follow.

I was very emotional three weeks ago and I was talking to Ariel. I said, “Ariel, I have not seen you for a long time.  I miss you very much.  It has been three and half years and I cannot take it anymore.  I want to see you now.  I want to hug you.”  Then the response came through Gordon.  At the beginning of the reading Gordon said that Ariel wanted to give me a message.  Gordon said that Ariel wanted to tell me that I would see her when she was ready. 

Gordon said that Ariel had a dry sense of humor, and she is fun. Ariel is witty and funny beyond words.  Gordon mentioned that Ariel was giving us a unicorn. Not only did Ariel love unicorns and use as her Instagram name, but also it has become a sign from her to us.  After her transition we found a video she made that ended with “It’s too hard to be a boy, it’s too hard to be a girl, so I will just be a unicorn.”     

Gordon next said that Ariel was dancing and saying, “thank you for the music, dad.” Ariel and I both love music.  Ariel started dancing before she could walk.  I used to put her on my work desk and play my favorite songs and she used to dance sitting on the desk. I recorded her dancing and posted them on YouTube. By the time she was six, she started to choreograph her own dances and performed on the stage.

I stopped listening to music after her transition because I could not find joy in music anymore.  I have started listening to our favorite songs again since the day of the reading, and I feel her presence just as she said that I would during the reading.  I found it very funny when Ariel asked Gordon to dance with her!

Ariel next spoke about her big sister Ramee.  Ariel said that she loved watching her going through her life. Ariel and Ramee have an incredibly special bond.  Ramee named her Ariel after the Little Mermaid movie.  Gordon said her sister was currently associated with the education and doing well. In fact, Ramee is on a break from her work and attending the business school to get her MBA. Ramee was totally shattered when Ariel transitioned.  However, we were very relieved when Ariel confirmed that she was coming around and getting on with her life.  Gordon said Ariel is insisting “I am not dead!” Though we did not realize it then, this was an especially important message for Ramee. After listening to the recording, Ramee told us only the day before she had told a friend in angst “my sister is dead….” .  Ramee gets depressed from time to time and says aloud in despair, “my sister is dead…”  Through Gordon, Ariel reminded Ramee that she was not dead.  She is alive and with us.

Gordon then said that Ariel was smiling broadly saying, “look at me.” He said that this was especially important as it was not just about a smile; it was something that happened to her face, and Gordon pointed to his jaws. This was a shocking validation.  Ariel transitioned due to complications from the corrective jaw surgery. Gordon asked whether it made sense she did not have the best use of her faculties. Ariel had a short stature from a rare genetic condition, which put some limitations on her mobility. She then said, “Look at me now, I can do whatever I want”. We are happy to know that she has the freedom of jumping and dancing anyway she wants.

Gordon said July 16 is important – that is her transition date. Incredibly, Ariel gave Gordon both her exact birth and transition dates.

Ariel showed Korean letters to Gordon.  She was passionate about K-Pop music and everything Korean.  She learned how to speak and write in Korean all by herself.  One time, she won the grand prize in a Korean poetry recitation competition hosted by the Korean Consulate in Houston. 

Ariel again promised that I would see her when she was ready.  It gives me immense joy to know that one day I’ll be seeing her.  Ariel told me not to give myself tough time over regrets.  I have regrets and they have been haunting me. 

Gordon mentioned that there was an important connection to a dog. Ariel’s dog Bubbles joined her on her second angel anniversary. Ariel mentioned about the passport.  Only the day before, I pulled out my passport as I was getting ready for a foreign trip. Gordon told us that my grandmother was with Ariel.  Once I had a visitation dream from my grandmother and Ariel together. Ariel then took Gordon to Texas.  We are from San Antonio, Texas. Gordon mentioned about family in California.  Ariel’s aunt lives in California.  Gordon said there is a birthday cake coming for someone. That day, December 16 was her cousin’s birthday.

Ariel told me, “It is easier to love you when you are smiling.” Gordon stated that Ariel came to him to help me. From time to time, I ask Ariel questions like “Where are you, Ariel?  How are you doing?  What are you doing?  I want to see you, Ariel.  I haven’t seen you for a long time.”  Ariel answered my questions through this reading.  I am very happy to know that she is doing fine.  She is in a place with music called heaven.  She is dancing and singing and joyful.

The sweetest moment of our reading was when Gordon smiled and said, “she likes me, she said, I like you…” We all like and respect Gordon so much. We have no words to describe how transformative those eight minutes were to us. It did not feel like a medium reading at all.  It was as if Ariel were talking to us.  We are so grateful that Austin and Ariel joined forces and came to the right medium, Gordon at the right time to help their parents to heal. Ariel said that Austin was like a big brother to her.  Thank you, Austin, for looking after our Ariel. 

Although Ariel came and talked to Gordon and gave her messages to us; I believe that her messages are for all Shining Light Parents from their wonderful children.  We all should be happy to know that our children are with us.  They are doing well.  It should give us solace in knowing that they are in a beautiful place.  Ariel described the place by making Gordon sing the Disney song, “The whole new world….”.  The lyrics of the song perfectly describe the place where our kids are now and where one day, we all see our children again.  Until then, not only cherish your wonderful memories, but also know they are still part of our lives and helping us every day.

~Ish and Sabina Saleh

Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.  

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