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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Ishtiak Saleh's Validation with his daughter Auditi through Drew Polifrone

Ishtiak Saleh's Validation with his daughter Auditi through Drew Polifrone

  • Posted
    • Dec
    • 2
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson

I had the pleasure of talking to Drew Polifrone on November 07, 2023.  During the gallery reading, my daughter, Auditi Saleh, came to talk to me through Drew.  Her nickname is Ariel.

Drew started the gallery reading describing a female spirit, a daughter, between the ages of 15 and 18 years and who had been ill for a while.  My daughter, Auditi, was 18 years old when she transitioned from complications from an elective surgery. 

Drew presented more evidence. He mentioned that Auditi was one of two sisters, and the month of November was significant.  Auditi was born on November 05, 2002, and she is the younger of my two daughters.  Drew also mentioned the extended hospital stay.  Auditi was in the hospital for three (3) weeks before transitioning. 

Drew then mentioned bracelets.  My older daughter, Ramee, got her fingerprints and made a bracelet which she wears every day.  I also have her two hospital bracelets; one from when she was born and the other one when she transitioned. Drew also talked about my wife praying and meditating.  My wife does pray and meditates every day and is able to talk to her on several occasions.  She feels that Auditi is with her when she takes an evening walk within our subdivision. 

Drew stated that Auditi was an excellent student.  He also mentioned how meticulous and creative Auditi was.  In fact, Auditi is an excellent student.  She is very sharp intellectually.  She doesn’t talk much but she fills the void wherever she goes with her charming personality. People whoever come close to her love her whole-heartedly.  She is particularly interested in Mathematics, and she is good at painting. We have several of her paintings hanging around the house.  We love her paintings.

Drew mentioned our special father-daughter bonding and she said that she was “Daddy’s Girl”.  Auditi and I have a special father-daughter bond.  I often used to hug her and say, “You are a Daddy’s Girl”.  I travelled a lot but whenever I was at home; we used to spend our time at a local Starbucks after school and talk about our lives.  Besides, we used to have the father-daughter dinner and father-daughter shopping spree every once in a while. 

Drew talked about Gods and Goddesses and said that he was getting the word “Divine-feminine.  The name Auditi means unique, and we named her after a goddess from the Hindu religion.  Elizabeth was able to find the real meaning of my daughter’s name from the internet.  It says, “Aditi is an important Vedic goddess and, as the personification of the cosmos, she's sometimes known as the Cosmic Creator. Embodying the meaning of this name, Aditi is the goddess of the past, the future, motherhood, fertility, and unconsciousness.”

Afterwards, Drew asked whether my older daughter was going to school or not.  My older daughter, Ramee, is doing her MBA.  Drew also asked whether Ramee was associated with a service-oriented field where she prepared reports for business.  Ramee was in the service-oriented field where she prepared a lot of reports and PowerPoint presentations.   

My dad also came during the gallery reading.  Drew correctly identified dad as a loving father.  My dad is a very loving and affectionate father; inwardly and outwardly.  Then Drew asked about my dad’s ring.  I do have my dad’s ring which is made of gold and has a small diamond on it.  Drew correctly pointed out father’s profession.

I attend the Helping Parents Heal (HPH) gallery readings on a regular basis.  I enjoy the gallery readings.  I always have a little expectation in the back of my mind that today is the day.  Today, Auditi will show up.  However, Drew passed me some very good advice from Auditi.  He said, “Don’t have too many expectations because you are getting away.”  I do expect more from her.  I ask for feathers, signs, visitations, etc. all the time.  Auditi gave me plenty of feathers.  She gives me signs and visits me whenever I need her the most.

Thank you, Drew for helping me to talk to my daughter.  Thank you, Elizabeth and HPH for facilitating it. 

~Written by Auditi's dad, Ishtiak Selah

Watch the YouTube video from November 7th by clicking here.  

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