Jane B's Validation with her daughter Alice through Drew Polifrone
- Nov
- 1
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Alice / Eleanor the Praying Mantis / Drew Polifrone
My heartfelt gratitude to Drew Polifrone and HPH for an amazing gallery reading with my daughter Alice.
Drew accurately described so many details including: cancer affecting her breathing, age 10 at time of diagnosis, hazel green eyes, Alice’s birthday in May, my favorite flower (lilac) and color (purple), to name just a few.
The most significant was the two balloons that I release every year on Alice's birthday and to which Alice once jokingly called it "the ritual" during a private reading with another HPH vetted medium. So Alice!
Moreover, Drew asked me if I had read the book "The Surrender Experiment" (?) No, but then he described a bluish book with a white feather on it. I replied that I recently bought a book that fit that description although I couldn’t recall the exact title. After the gallery reading ended I located the book and gasped when I looked at the cover–”The Angel Experiment”!!
Lastly, Drew was also correct about my birthday being in December. He referenced his own birthday being on the 12th, although mine is several days before Christmas. However, earlier that afternoon I had been texting with an HPH friend whose daughter Lauren's birthday is December 12th. No doubt Alice was letting me know that not only was she aware of our text conversation but that both of our girls are now connected on the other side and that they, as well as all our children, are always with us! Thank you Alice! <3
I am including both a photo of Alice (age 10) and one of Eleanor the praying mantis (who we rescued years ago when Alice was in preschool), and who I had just randomly thought of earlier that day.
~Jane B, Alice's Mom
Please watch the YouTube video of Drew's Gallery Reading by clicking here.
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