Kara Sinclair's Validation from her daughter, Addison, on her Birthday from Isabella Johnson
- Aug
- 17
- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
So... quick story. It was my birthday this week. I have a job where I work crazy hours. I saw Isabella Johnson was on... so I decided to log in- while working- without my camera or sound.
As soon as I logged in she said a little girl stepped up. I started to pay attention...
Everything she said resonated. I wasn't called on... but everything she said resonated.
Addison was the size of a 5 year old.
Addi had a very round face.
Addison had many, many, many dolls that were soft like Holly Hobby. She mothered them.
She kept mentioning the word- Angel... Addison's dog was named Angel. Angel was sitting on my lap as I listened.
Isabella spoke a lot about being able to ride a bike- minutes before- we gave away Addison's bike... without the training wheels...
Isabella mentioned decorating her room- we are in the process of redecorating it right now...
I'm sure there was more that I left out... but she and the other kiddos timed that so well... especially since there were other moms piggy backing along side of me. I think she realized I was working and wouldn't have been able to participate either.
Anyway- I know my sweet girl is with me 24:7- but sometimes its just nice to get that validation...
Thanks for all the feels and sharing your big heart with us all, Isabella!
~Kara Sinclair, Addi's Mom
Isabella generously gave her time on August 15th, the Birthday and Angel Date of her daughter, Courtney. Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
- Allison B's Validation from her son, Mick, through Isabella Johnson
- Kelly's Validation with her son Evan through Reverend Sue Frederick!