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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Karol Barak's Validation with her daughter Olivia through Alaine Portner

Karol Barak's Validation with her daughter Olivia through Alaine Portner

  • Posted
    • Dec
    • 2
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
I love Alaine Portner's energy and confidence and have had the pleasure of attending her workshop in the past. Olivia has come through with Alaine before with such precision that I'm always so drawn to attend when she reads for HPH. 
Today was no exception!! She picked up Ollie by her crossing date and birth month and my initial. She validated her love of make up, make overs and beauty - which is what she wanted to do after she finished school. She used to say if you look good, it makes you feel good and wanted to make everyone feel beautiful. She loved practicing doing everyone's eyebrows, eyelashes and make up! And was famous for her long, white nails. 
Alaine's message from Ollie to me was, to keep my medication/prescription up to date. I currently do not take any, however, am in the process of being diagnosed as have had some recent medical conerns. 
Thank you Alaine, Elizabeth and the HPH
~xx Karol, Olivia's mum (fe15)
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.  

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