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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Kim Basher's Validation from her daughter Ciannon through Kat Baillie

Kim Basher's Validation from her daughter Ciannon through Kat Baillie

  • Posted
    • Aug
    • 29
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
I feel that Kat Baillie had Ciannon immediately from the start.  
When she said "I feel dolphins here".... I could feel that my skin chilled.
My 14 yo told me when we were young and in our pool, "Mommy, didn't you know  I was an old dolphin, and you were a young dolphin caught in a net...and I freed you."   WE have had a dolphin connection in past lives and on this earth.  My beautiful girl adored the ocean.  We were constant adventurers and ambassadors of the ocean, the reef and earth.   AND she did start a recycling program when she was 10 and all money went to the Coral Reef Alliance.   Here's a few pics of my ocean loving child, her with the life vests (Kat saw), on boats with grey whales, and a diver at age 11.  I have chats with Ciannon in my morning swims with the dolphins.  Thank you Kat - your talents are so beautiful  
Much Love, Ciannon's forever mom,
Please watch the video of Kat's readings by clicking here.  

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