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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Kim Bolin's Validation from her son Zachary through Daniel John

Kim Bolin's Validation from her son Zachary through Daniel John

  • Posted
    • Jan
    • 24
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Zachary and Marley/Lucy staring at the wall as though she is receiving a treat/Zach's brake lights at his Memorial Celebration/Daniel John

My 3rd child Zachary came into the world in June 1998 making a big appearance weighing in at 11 pounds and 4 ounces.  He was a force to be reckoned with for the 18 years and 8 months he walked this earth.  He had 3 near misses with death in that short time but it would be one of those misses that ultimately would lead him down a path that he could not be brought back from. 

After being almost fatally stabbed by a friend at 16,  he was prescribed Oxycontin.  10 years ago there was little information out there about opioids and how highly addictive they could be for some individuals.  I have seen the statistics that with a 10-day supply of opioids, 1 in 5 become long term users.  Within one year of graduating high school, this big, strong, tough kid would be killed by a crumb of fentanyl and our family's world would be turned upside down.  But Zach's story was never going to end like that. 

From the day he passed, he has shown up for me and his siblings in big and amazing ways.  From a turkey vulture arriving in our backyard within an hour of being told he was gone, spinning brightly in the sun to the night of his celebration of life at our home where his car which had been in my driveway for about 2 months suddenly had the brake lights shining brightly and continued to until the end of the celebration.  It could only have been Zachary. 

Zach has come through several times in private readings with information that only we would know.  And the Gallery reading with Daniel John was no exception.  I would have missed the opportunity to even attend if it wasn't for the HPH emails Elizabeth sends out because I had inadvertently left the group at some point the end of last year.  When I saw the opportunity to meet Daniel John, I reached out to Elizabeth to rejoin the Facebook group. 

I was meant to be there on what was the 7 year anniversary of Zach being convicted for having marijuana in his car.  Which at the time, I thought that was the worst thing that could happen to him --probation, loss of license.  No that wasn't the case - one month to the day two police officers stood in my kitchen and broke the news that my baby boy was gone.  So I went into the reading believing that Zach was going to come through as we approached his 7th anniversary in February. 

Christmas for some reason was extra hard and I had been playing the regret game --what if I had done this? what if the woman that took him in had told me her two sons were addicts? what if his dad had been a more present and positive role model?

Daniel John started the reading with "male, basketball (10 years played), funny" and I immediately knew it was Zach.  My heart started to race and I began putting the words into the chat that resonated....15 (last day I saw him), ducks, and then "ortho --he did or didn't have it or started/stopped" ---okay I was at 100%.  Zach had an adult tooth that was missing from birth and when he was 15 he needed to get braces to hold the space where the baby tooth was for a future implant.  I took him to 4 different orthodontists and Zach was so difficult, resisting, the last Ortho said "I would not put braces on him".  So I didn't.
More words from Daniel...hammer (his last job was in construction, the hair pushed from one side to another (classic Zach and his beautiful hair).  Some of these things I am sure were for other moms but when Daniel said he sees "guy from Frasier" I was yelling "Kelsey Grammer"!   Zach's older sister that he was so closely bonded to, birthname was Kelsey.  Kelsey would become my transgender son Dalton but Zach struggled the year before he passed with using the name Dalton.  I guess he still wants to reference him as Kelsey. 
The reading continued with symbol after symbol that I could relate to.  The most amazing thing to me in the reading is that my son's Zach's personality that he had on earth is the same one he has on the other side.  Zach could be assertive, aggressive and yes even a bully at times when he wanted to get his point across or persuade someone to do something.  When Daniel says "tell her like I am telling you, don't sissify this' ', that was Zach in a nutshell. 
I am so grateful for this reading which continues to confirm for me that we are energy, our loved ones are energy, and energy can not be destroyed.  They are with us and they know what we are struggling with.  I have struggled with forgiveness ---for myself, for the woman he lived with, for his father.  This reading has pushed me to reevaluate my thoughts and beliefs that I am carrying regarding Zachary's death.  And just knowing that he wants to do better, is enough for this mom to do better. 
Thank you Elizabeth and the Helping Parents Heal organization for giving me this beautiful message.
~Kim Bolin, Zachary's Mom
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.  

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