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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Kim Courtney's Validation from her son Derrick through Susanne Wilson

Kim Courtney's Validation from her son Derrick through Susanne Wilson

  • Posted
    • May
    • 6
    • 2019
by Elizabeth Boisson

Hi HPH Parents,

I started my "walk" 2 years ago when my son Derrick died. I was and am very spiritually connected with God and the universe. But my beliefs in what is possible ALL CHANGED when I met Susanne Wilson. What I have learned has forever changed my outlook on life here in the physical. 

Her book, Soul Smart was a game changer for me!  She explains in detail how to have a connection with your loved one in spirit. Her experience with the afterlife has made her an expert in this field. Along with her books, online information and the readings I've experienced has given me the courage to gain knowledge and wisdom to have a relationship with my son in spirit.

I know that many people can't fully understand something they can't see. Therefore, they don't believe they can have a relationship with their loved one. There are those that believe in God and rely on faith that it's real. Same thing. You gotta have faith that you WILL.

This is how great this all works! I have become close to many parents from HPH. Well, my son has become close to THEIR KIDS in spirit. They are the band of brothers always connected. I recently had the great fortune to win a reading with Susanne through the Helping Parents Heal Second Conference Scholarship Fundraiser that she organized. Not only did Derrick come to visit, but many of the HPH kids did as well. All giving me guidance, messages for their parents and love, lots of love! Susanne has provided the tools to connect on our own. I'm learning to do that every day.

Susanne Wilson opened my eyes and heart to my son. He's still here and will always be here right by my side.

-Blessings, Kim Courtney

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