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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Life to Afterlife, I Died, Now What?

Life to Afterlife, I Died, Now What?

  • Posted
    • Dec
    • 8
    • 2019
by Elizabeth Boisson

LIFE TO AFTERLIFE: I Died, Now What? is the second episode of the series, I explore a variety of questions about the Afterlife with spiritual experts, including what it feels like when we get there, if we choose a reality in which to live, if we choose a body, what the levels of enlightenment are, if we can multitask, if we are eternal, why we choose Earth, how many guides we have, and how we learn through suffering.  Experts also discuss the life review and the Akashic records. Please click here to view!

-Craig McMahon

The wonderful Isabella Johnson and Craig McMahon speak about the Afterlife

This second documentary features many experts from the Afterlife community, including several who have worked with Helping Parents Heal; Michelle Clare, Jamie Clark, Suzanne Giesemann, Maureen Hancock, John Holland, Isabella Johnson, Rob Schwartz, James Van Praagh, and Susanne Wilson.We know that you will find the information that it contains to be helpful and uplifting.

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