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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Lisa Feinstein's Validation with her daughter, Kate, through Kathy MacMannis

Lisa Feinstein's Validation with her daughter, Kate, through Kathy MacMannis

  • Posted
    • Mar
    • 18
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
Kate / Kathy MacMannis
I am very grateful for the gallery reading by Kathy MacMannis. My 19 year old daughter Kate came through. Kathy mentioned a young woman who had reproductive cancer that spread from her abdomen elsewhere. Kate had a rare ovarian cancer called mucinous ovarian cancer that spread all over abdomen and into her lung cavity. 
Kathy also mentioned taking her somewhere far for treatment.  We took Kate from South Florida to MD Anderson in Houston for a huge surgery called Hipec cytoreduction when we knew her cancer was growing after she finished chemotherapy. Kate was very brave and underwent a 10 hour surgery which unfortunately did not cure her because her cancer was so aggressive.
Kathy also mentioned that this spirit loved people and was in college. Kate was 18 years old and in her first year of college when surgery revealed her ovarian cyst was cancerous; she had to go into hospice her sophmore spring semester. She was a swimmer and also taught gym and aerobics while she was in college.  Kathy also mentioned spirit was a good, fast driver which Kate was, and Kate would tell me to be careful driving because I am not as careful.
Lastly Kathy mentioned the name Holly. My sister's son has that nickname. But also one of our living cats is named Oliver or Olly, and he has become incredibly affectionate since Kate passed.  He is all over me sometimes especially when I am on HPH zoom sessions and yoga Zooms. I sometimes wonder if he feels Kate's presence.
~Lisa Feinstein
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