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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Lisa Reilich's Validation with her Daughter Maiah through Amy Utsman

Lisa Reilich's Validation with her Daughter Maiah through Amy Utsman

  • Posted
    • Nov
    • 17
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
I just wanted to thank Amy Utsman, Elizabeth and Irene on November 16th … I did not get a specific individual reading and yet I knew immediately that my Maiah came through when Amy announced she was wearing heart earrings as directed by Spirit prior to the session — so often with me, the signs come with a tingle that moves up and down the back of my neck and radiating out with warmth … such was the case as Amy announced this — the connections we have with Maiah through hearts extends to heart shaped rocks before her transition and since over the last 3 yrs and 8 months, drawing a heart for her every time we go to the beach as our way of saying hello, always finishing any online postings referring to her with a blue heart and star, referring to her as “my heartbeat” (and writing that on her altar name candle each week) AND — this week — on her message candle in my Dairy Room (where I work) I was nudged to draw a black heart surrounded by a blue heart to help lay to rest a resurfacing of sadness for a traumatic incident in her earth time (black heart recognizing her as a survivor and blue — her color — embracing that). In all the weekly candles (over 190) less than five have had a heart rather than a short saying 💙

In the message the young man who came through first gave to all of us (and this young man was showing a sudden impact which is how Maiah transitioned) — to let go of our children’s past hurts and traumas — I heard just the message I needed for what I was processing. It is echoed in the bottom of the candle — “Thy will, not mine be done” as I in contemplating this earlier this week heard Maiah urge me to let the situation rest as she herself chose to do in life.

Finally, at the very end, Amy shared that the month March was coming through to her in her last reading … and again my spine tingled — Maiah transitioned in March.

I had my first and only other live gallery reading I attended with Amy a year or more ago (received individual reading) and was nudged similarly to attend repeatedly and finally acquiesced although it was a stretch for me to do so.

I feel very grateful I listened to the nudges and came and received the messages I needed — the individual reading was not necessary 💙

Thank you so much!
~Written by Maiah's Mom, Lisa Reilich

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