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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Liz Kaplan's Validation from her son, Evan, through Isabella Johnson

Liz Kaplan's Validation from her son, Evan, through Isabella Johnson

  • Posted
    • Apr
    • 23
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson

My son passed 8 months ago. I have had several medium readings since then but I wasn’t completely satisfied. I was looking for that “wow” reading that would explain more than just evidential details proving that my son was still here. I knew and believed that 100% but was looking for more answers that would explain the spiritual reasons behind our relationship and what had happened. What was my role with him and our family and what was I intended to learn from this?

My reading with Isabella was incredible. I would like to call her the relationship medium. My son, mother, father and father in law all showed up during the reading. She proceeded to go into details of each person with accuracy and then explain the dynamics of how they all related to me and my husband and our family still here. It gave me a deeper understanding of my sons role and purpose and his relationship with us. All while supplying evidence of their personalities with high accuracy. She was particularly adept at picking up nuanced personality traits that were unique. I was blown away and walked away with a much better understanding and knowing that my son had accomplished his mission here. 

I was so intrigued to find out more in-depth information regarding my purpose here that I scheduled a soul reading with Isabella. That was also amazing, informative and up lifting. I now have a clearer understanding of my soul group, the roles we play with each other and my purpose in this life. She filled out the big picture for me. I also saw that the relationship with those passed continues while we are here and difficulties with other family members can continue to be worked on between realms. I knew this but didn’t realize it completely. It was as if the light bulb turned on. 

Isabella is compassionate and honest in her delivery and has a way of getting right to the nitty gritty which is exactly what I wanted. Her readings were a true gift to me and my family. I am forever grateful. 

~Written by Evan's Mom, Liz Kaplan

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