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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
Lori Burke's Validation with her daughter MaryEllen through Connie Fusella

Lori Burke's Validation with her daughter MaryEllen through Connie Fusella

  • Posted
    • Oct
    • 4
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

MaryEllen / Connie Fusella 

Many heartfelt thanks to Connie Fusella and HPH for a wonderful reading with my daughter, MaryEllen! Connie was able to convey MaryEllen's personality to a "T". MaryEllen was born with a very rare syndrome and always appeared much younger and smaller than her adult age of 37. She came through as a young adult under 25 years old, which was not surprising to me at all. She also had a cat with her that had a connection with a Katherine. Katherine is MaryEllen's older sister, and her cat went to heaven a few months before MaryEllen. It was very comforting to know they are together. 

Connie also knew from MaryEllen that she had mobility issues, and was mostly bedbound and could not communicate verbally and much care was needed throughout her life. But, even with all that, MaryEllen was pleasant and always smiling. All 100% correct! 
MaryEllen then came through with a rose, which I perfectly understood because soon after she passed, when I was in her room, there was an overwhelming scent of roses, out of nowhere just that one day.  I knew it was her then and it was confirmed through this reading. Also, MaryEllen conveyed to Connie that birds had importance. This is also true, because since MaryEllen passed, we have had a regular cardinal visit at her bedroom window. This is something that did not ever occur prior to this. 
Connie was also able to convey that MaryEllen "got her wish!" through a wish organization. When Maryellen was younger, she did have a wish granted through Make-A-Wish! 
And thank you, Connie, for confirming that MaryEllen enjoyed all my singing all these years! Haha! She certainly got a lot of that! I still sing to her, and now that I know she loved it, I will never stop! :)
 Thank you, Connie, for saying MaryEllen was such a light! If I could only say one thing about my sweet girl, that would be it. She was just a bright light every single day. 
Much love and gratitude, 
~Lori Burke
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.  

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