Lorraine Roman's Validation with her son William and her black Lab Rainey through Isabella Johnson
- Feb
- 25
- 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
On 2-4-24 Isabella Johnson held a Gallery Reading for Helping Parents Heal.
My name is Lorraine and I was the second of 4 readings. William was with our beloved family member, Rainey our beautiful black lab. She appeared to Isabella with our son William. She was also able to tell me he was 29 when he past and his main message was to let me know how much he loved me.
He has a twin sister and it was their Birthday. What a wonderful gift I was given. I have no word to express my gratitude for offering these Gallery Readings. I belong to a local grief group of eleven parents. We have all lost SONS; synchronicity at work.
At the end of Isabella’s reading I asked her if she could let me know how William shows himself to me. She then said small birds. I don’t think you can get much smaller than this beautiful hummingbird. It followed my husband into the house through the front door. Amazing.
Sending you Light and Love,
~Lorraine Roman
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
- NEW CO-AFFILIATE LEADER - Tava Wilson, HPH - Austin!
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