Lynne Leger's Validation with her daughter Bianca through Candice Purchase
- Mar
- 22
- 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
Bianca / Bianca & Lynne / Candice Purchase
I am so grateful to have validation that my beautiful Bianca is at peace, happy and watching over us through Candice Purchase. Bianca rarely passed a day without journaling. She left me a lot of journals to read. Her journals was life learnings, thoughts on the conscience, spiritual thoughs, relations and how can she serve while being happy and purpusely aligned to name a few.
Bianca has struggled throughout her primary school because of her being bullied by many. She did stand strong but it really hurt her. She was found to be highly smart and was invited to a school specialized for their competences but she refused and stayed in the same environement.
Bianca and I had great conversation because she was so interresting, kind hearted and my advisor with life tackles. I sure miss our conversations.
Althought, we have 3 children, Bianca often chose to pass time with me and her father even if she had very good friends. We would cuddle and watch a movie at home. We loved to go shopping together, we would read each a book side by side, we would go for walks with our little furry babies, sit outside and have profound conversation.
Bianca is so beautiful and kind inside and out. Her smile was contagious. We called her Bibi d'amour.
Bianca studied at UOttawa and became a teacher with a major in spychology with the highest prestigous mention. She did a fantastic job as a teacher in Toronto, Ontario and then in Thaïland. She was loved by everyone.
When she returned from Thaïland, she was happy to be with the family again and we were too. Her character was changing bit by bit but I couldn't get my hand on it. (Not knowing what eas going on)
Needless say that we miss her every day but this reading gave us a lot of hope of seeing her again.
Kind regards, Bianca's Leger's mom, Lynne
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