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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Mara and John Navaretta's Validation with their daughter Sabrina through Jane Meakin

Mara and John Navaretta's Validation with their daughter Sabrina through Jane Meakin

  • Posted
    • Feb
    • 11
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson

Sabrina / Jane Meakin

We asked Sabrina to come through …. We needed to hear from her again and she didn’t disappoint!

Jane Meakin did an amazing reading bringing through Sabrina’s personality! She validated the reading by giving her middle name, Alexandra, a sudden passing and mentioned how the Paramedics couldn’t change what happened. Jane mentioned that Sabrina was Daddy’s girl - they have an amazing bond! 

Sabrina was very organized and treated everyone the same…. Jane mentioned how she lit up a room and was always happy, we have a big family and is so loved! All of her friends respected her and her opinion as she was always the mature old soul. Thank you Jane for bringing through Sabrina for a wonderful validation.

~Mara and John Navaretta

Please watch the YouTube Video by clicking here.  

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