Marina Danilina's Validation with her son Eugene through Mitch Ott
- Sep
- 20
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Eugene / Mitchel Ott
I had an amazing reading from Mitchel Ott when I practically lost my hope. I was begging for my son to come in and he was the last person that Mitchel got. Each detail that he gave to identify the spirit matched my son. Everything that he told after was precise to a T. Not only did he get my son but my Mom (whose passing day was today 7 years ago) who was standing by him. I had several sessions with different mediums and my Mom never appeared and the mediums were good, but no one was as good as Mitchel. What he said about my Mom, her character, her look, and the way she passed was so precise as if he had known her personally.
And he described my son, his struggle and my support for him for all these years with details. My son said that there are big changes in our life – and there are, with my health. He said that I am on the right path – I am trying to learn different ways to connect to him. And that I always knew what was going on with him – I did, I had that specific dream all the time when he was in trouble. And that I warned him about some of the people from his surrounding and that I was always right. He said that I was his best friend, and it is also true – we discussed everything. We lived in different states but we talked several times a day on the phone. Even if he had a problem and needed to wet out, I was there. And he was right about the fact that I felt (he assured me) that he was being adult and taking control of his life and everything was going so well, that I allowed myself to release the control a little bit. And that is when this tragedy happened.
Also Mitchel mentioned a person whom I couldn’t identify at the time of reading, only that the name started with G and the person had heap replacement, and passed in the last two years, but when I was thinking about it, I remember – it was my old boss from my previous country. We kept good relationships all these years and she passed 3 days after my son, her name was Gavhar.
It was fantastic!!! Thank you Mitchel!!
~Marina Danilina
Please watch the Youtube video by clicking here.
- Mara and John Navaretta's Validation with Sabrina through Mitch Ott
- Kelly Hammaker's Validation with her sons Jake and Austin through Fara Gibson