Mary Mayer's Validation Story with her son Colton through Drew Polifrone
- Sep
- 13
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
The ICU nurse turned my dad's pacemaker off, then he was gone. Colton's paternal grandfather was a lovely man, warm and funny. My son loved him as did we all.
Besides my two miscarriages as an only child, he had twin cousin girls he was close to with two other male cousins. Also my niece and I would joke that she was really my daughter and Colton's sister, and she calls me mom.
He DID want to have adult fun without adult responsibilities. He had lots of fun with his cousins and friends with the four-wheelers and snowmobiles. After looking at pix, I saw his red four-wheeler and snowmobile helmets.
I don't believe his dad is capable of anything spiritual that could help him because he lost his legacy with Colton.
I contacted his friends, but I did not receive a response about Max. He had nicknames for everyone, and no dogs that I know have that name.
I did feel him after he passed and wanted signs and got a few. But I feel now he says, Mom you don't need them because you know.
In the house I bought after the divorce, there was a firepit on the deck, and I loved it. I was out there all the time.
Smart azz, and yes, it was f'ed up; he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a dissociated and sleep-deprived state. So I rushed to his room after hearing the bang. I told him to go to his grandparents.
My whole life has been about expressing myself better, but now it does feel like I am refining that and trusting my intuition and spirituality. So yes, speaking up is a lesson. Guilt and being undeserving are lessons for me. Now, my challenge is my health; I have a few chronic illnesses that I believe are coming from repressed feelings.
It seems to me in the last four years, he just wanted to have fun. He had that final HS year, one year of college with roommates and switched to two years in tech school. When school was done and he had to get an adult 9-5 job, I believe his soul wasn't interested in that. When I see him in dreams, he is playing like a child. I said this at the last HPH coffee locally. Like in his soul plan with me, he agreed to be my son but didn't want to stay and do all the adult things.
I can see where he says stop doing your duty like you were taught and have fun. Enjoy your incarnation. I want to do that.
So thanks again Colton and Drew.
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