Mediumship Raffle Love! Lori Getzwiller's Validation with her son Tyler through Susanne Wilson
- Feb
- 12
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Tyler Getzwiller, Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium
Thank you, HPH and Susanne Wilson, for the Mediumship Raffle that was held at the end of January! I was one of the lucky winners of a free reading with Susanne. Susanne was amazing.
Tyler connected with her along with our very best friend that joined Tyler about 4 months after Ty left. Susanne literally gave me validation after validation. I will book with her again for sure.
I was just coming home from work, I was in scrubs and there was no way she could have known Ty was a competitor in the Rodeos, but she nailed everything, clear down to the strong cigarette smoke Ty and Scott send me when their near. Even the animals we had in life, cattle, horses, the dogs. Tyler loved sharing his food with the homeless and whatever money he could spare.
- Kim Bolin's Validation from her son Zachary through Daniel John
- Mediumship Raffle Love! Mara Nararetta's Validation through Britta Grubin from her daughter Sabrina