Melissa Olvitt's Validation with her son, Benjamin, through Alaine Portner
- Jul
- 19
- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
Of course my son Benjamin would come through The Happy Medium, Alaine Portner! He lived his life to bring Joy to others! The level of gratitude for the information that came through the connection with my son cannot be explained in earthly words!
I knew it was him immediately and felt in my whole body his high vibing energy he was famous for💖 November was so meaningful as Ben chose to take Thanksgiving Dinner into his own hands fully from menu to shopping to preparation and serving and it was pure delight and truly enjoyed by all. Especially his recipe for chocolate sweet potato pie and the stuffed acorn squash! Our last celebration together never to be forgotten❤️
The necklace was a large smokey quartz crystal that he had wire wrapped. We went on a crystal dig together in Arkansas and had an incredible time. I was the family caretaker and just last week proclaimed it's time to take care of me. All of my family is now on the other side my son being the last to cross over. A few weeks ago my dog left too. So the archetypal support of men really resonated as I really felt their care and guidance is with me on this journey that has left me feeling so very alone. The message that Ben was lighter now and able to transcend earthy challenges just soothed my heart. I was his protector and He used to tell me how safe he felt because I was such a strong mom. I needed to hear that I too can become lighter and have wings because I have been grieving that mom my son knew.
Benjamin and I always had a special connection and could communicate on such a highly spiritual level. We both felt like we were here to be of service and make a difference in the world. We thought we would always be together to give hope and guidance and love and joy to others. When he suddenly and unexpectedly left this world, I cried out NO he has more people to reach! I was deeply fractured and lost hope without our strong friendship and spiritual connection. Hearing that he knows I talk to him all the time and he is responding brings so much comfort. More importantly his saying I won't see him anytime soon erased that looming feeling of just wanting to be on the other side with him not knowing why I would still be here.
Alaine's message from Benjamin was so clear and his reminding me of my gifts and purpose and to be of service is not only still possible it is a truth and that he is and will continue to be my guardian Angel and light messenger to fulfill this mission. Tuning into that high frequency will allow us to connect! My greatest desire! Amazing to me how this was revealed, the fact that I truly appreciate, honor and connect with nature in such a sacred way of deep gratitude and lately have been wanting to help others find this healing connection too.
Ben connects to me through Nature too as it was our common ground. I really have been called a miracle worker, so hearing I have more work to do just inspired me to live again and use the education and experiences I've incurred to find a way to share my Beautiful Son Benjamin's Love for life with others. I want to talk about his lifes journey somehow as it could be very inspirational to other people.
I thought maybe I was to be a medium and when she said do it my way it was so freeing and validating as I feel something different brewing to be of healing service.
I am so grateful to HPH for this incredible healing that is offered to us moms. I know personally for me it has been a saving grace.
~Ben's Mom, Melissa Olvitt
- Mary Beth Creighton's Validation from her son Zachary through Beth Lynch
- Jeff and Lynn Hollahan's Validation with their son, Devon, through Jennifer Brazier