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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Melissa Sturdy's Validation from her daughter Linnea through Beth Lynch

Melissa Sturdy's Validation from her daughter Linnea through Beth Lynch

  • Posted
    • Apr
    • 23
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson

Beth Lynch brought through my lovely spirit-person-daughter Linnea from the other side. Beth felt the disorientation in the head area, which made sense, as she had alcohol poisoning! I worried that it could have blinded her and I did not understand, I always tell my girl I don’t understand. She was so far from home and I’ve been told they drink high percentage alcohol / rocket fuel where she was in Sweden.

Beth also said to say pillow; not only do I have her 13 pillows, I have been thinking of giving my sister a pillow of Linnea’s because I bought her a mattress and quilt for her birthday last week, I thought it would be meaningful. Beth mentioning that felt like a thumbs up from my girl.

And I do have a picture of Linnea cuddling up to her fiancé and she would just put her legs over his curled up like a kitten, right on top of his legs. He said it was funny, she would say how comfortable she was, but he said he is so thin he imagined he was more bones than a comfy pillow, but nonetheless she would curl right up.

Beth said she saw Linnea leading the kids clapping in rhythm; it’s a fun image, as she was a performer and sang in a band.  This shows that she isn’t alone and has friends, (all of our children) and they are together.

Sometimes we are so involved with life in the physical world, of course, it is hard for us, as we grieve, but I am so thankful for these messages, the evidence of my beloved daughter helps with my healing. Many Thanks to HPH, and Beth Lynch!

~Written by Linnea's Mom, Melissa Sturdy

Please watch the YouTube video of Beth Lynch March 28th by clicking here.

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