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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Melody Funk's Validation with her daughter Jessica through Beth Lynch

Melody Funk's Validation with her daughter Jessica through Beth Lynch

  • Posted
    • Apr
    • 16
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
I attended the Gallery Readings with Beth Lynch on April 16th.
First of all, thank you so much for this wonderful gift.
I don't really have the words for how comforting it was to hear from my beautiful girl Jessica;  she passed exactly 3 1/2 years ago today.
From sunflowers, carrots, plaid dress and so many other validations that she really joined us this evening - it was amazing.  And to hear that my dad's with her and taking care of her...
Beth has such a gift and I'm so grateful that she spent so much of her time with us.
I've attached a couple of my favorite photos of my girl.
Again, thank you so much!  I am so happy I found this group on Facebook - I've joined several but I have to say I'm definitely liking the vibe of this one the most.
If you're able, could you please provide an email contact for Beth so that I can thank her directly?
With gratitude,
~Melody Funk
Please watch the YouTube Video by clicking here.  

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